Module as a script

The module can be used as a script:

$ python3 -m asl --help

This is primarily intended as an example on how to use the module, but can be usefull on its own.


Writing messages to the default view

$ python3 -m asl consolelog [-i IDENT] [-l LEVEL] message ...

This logs the message arguments as a single line (separated by spaces) with the attributes needed to end up in the default view of

The IDENT is the source identifier and is usually an application name. It defaults to the name of the user.

The LEVEL is the log level, and is one of “Emergency”, “Alert”, “Critical”, “Error”, “Warning”, “Notice”, “Info” and “Debug” (from high to low priority). The default is “Notice”, which is the lowest priority that will end up in the default view of

Generic logging

$ python3 -m asl writelog {-k KEY VALUE}...

Write a log message to the ASL, with all message parameters under control of the user.

The IDENT is the source identifier and is usually an application name. It defaults to the name of the user.

The FACILITY is the log facility.

The LEVEL is the log level, and is one of “Emergency”, “Alert”, “Critical”, “Error”, “Warning”, “Notice”, “Info” and “Debug” (from high to low priority). The default is “Notice”.

The “-k” option is used to set the attributes of the log message. You should at least include a “Message” key with the text of the log message.

The standard keys are:

  • Time: Time of logging (added by the ASL daemon)

  • TimeNanoSec Nano-second resolution time (added by the ASL daemon)

  • Host: Host where the message was written

  • Sender: Sender of the log message

  • Facility: Log facility

    This is either one of the regular syslog facilities (auth, authpriv, cron, …, or an arbitrary string. Messages that should be shown in the default view of should use facility “”.

  • PID: Process ID of the sending proces (replaced by the ASL daemon)

  • UID: UID of the sending process (replaced by the ASL daemon)

  • GID: GUID of the sending proccess (replaced by the ASL daemon)

  • Level: Log level (see the -l command of the consolelog command)

  • Message: Text of the log message

  • ReadUID: UID that may read the message, use “-1” for “all users”

  • ReadGID: GID that may read the message, use “-1” for “all groups”

  • ASLExpireTime: Expiry time for this message (default to 7 days after the log time)

  • ASLMessageID Message ID for this message (replaced by the ASL daemon)

  • Session: Session ID

  • RefPID Reference PID for messages proxied by launchd

  • RefProc: Reference process for messages proxied by launchd

  • ASLAuxTitle: Auxiliary title string

  • ASLAuxUTI: Auxiliary UTI

  • ASLAuxURL: Auxiliary URL

  • ASLAuxData: Auxiliary in-line data

  • SenderInstance: Sender instance UUID

Query the ASL database

python3 -m asl query [-f FMT] [--format FMT] [-C] {-e KEY}... {-k KEY OP VALUE}...

Search the ASL database for matching records. All found records are printed on stdout. By default all records are printed, and using the “-C”, “-e” and “-k” options a subset can be selected:

When mutiple “-C”, “-e” and “-k” are present all of them must match (that is, the subexpressions are combined with an “AND” operator).

  • “-f FMT” or “–format FMT”

    Use FMT for formatting the records before printing them. The format string is a format string that can be using with str.format, and it will be used in such a way that non-existing keys are ignored.

    When this option is not used all attributes of records are printed and records are separated by a single empty line.

  • “-C”

    Add selection for messages destined for the This is equivalent to “-k Facility eq”

  • “-e KEY”

    Add a test that checks that attribute KEY exists.

  • “-k KEY OP VALUE”

    Add a test for the value of attribute KEY.

    The following operators are recognized:

    • eq: The value must be equal to the specified value
    • ne: The value must not be equal to the specified value
    • gt: The value must be lexographically greater than the specified value
    • ge: The value must be lexographically greater than or equal to the specified value
    • lt: The value must be lexographically less than the specified value
    • le: The value must be lexographically less than or equal to the specified value
    • match: The value must match the specified regular expression (see regex(3))
    • startswith: The value must start with the specified value
    • endswith: The value must end with the specified value
    • contains: The value must contain the specified value
    • ==: The value must be a number and must be equal to the specified value
    • !=: The value must be a number and must be different from the specified value
    • >: The value must be a number and must be greater than the specified value
    • >=: The value must be a number and must be greater than or equal to the specified value
    • <: The value must be a number and must be less than the specified value
    • <=: The value must be a number and must be less than or equal to the specified value

    The string operators can be prefix with “C” to perform case folding before the comparison.

    See the section on Generic logging for a description of the standard keys.